LED technology has actually been around for many years. N.A.S.A. experimented with LED light to accelerate wound healing and tissue growth as well as helping with fatigue with astronauts with great success and the technology has been transferred to the Aesthetics Industry initially through surgeons looking for methods to speed up the wound healing process in post skin cancer legion removal.
Basically, it is a light source that emits specific colours of intense light that is focused on the skin. This completely non – invasive, painless treatment converts the light energy into cell energy without any thermal heat like a laser or IPL would.
Red light penetrates the skin and triggers the body to make collagen and elastin as well as new capillaries. The result of more collagen, elastin and dermal extra-cellular matrix substance is firmer, younger looking skin whilst the new capillaries offer increased circulation in turn increasing wound healing and scar tissue reduction benefits. This is particularly beneficial for people over the age of 25 as the body then gradually loses its ability to make youthful collagen and so the aging process begins.
Blue light acts on the sebaceous oil glands in the surface of the skin helping to excite porphyrins, which are compounds inside acne bacteria. The light has the ability to activate the porphyrins to kill the bacteria from the inside out. It is therefore a very effective acne treatment.
LED is an effective treatment for anti-aging as well as common conditions such as acne, rosacea and dilated capillaries. So by choosing specific wavelengths (colours) of the light spectrum your therapist can help with a range of skin concerns that include:
The treatment itself is actually very relaxing and studies have been conducted suggesting that there are benefits to relaxing effect of red light on your skin.
Best results are experienced with a series of regular treatments usually 2-3 days apart depending on your skin concerns and skin type. Your therapist will be able to recommend the best treatment regime to fit in with other skin care treatments you are currently enjoying.